Monday, April 13, 2015


Okay, however you want to vote is none of my business.  I just have an interesting comment. 

So Hillary Clinton announces she is running for president and the first news story I read is about her logo.  Not about her policies or her stance on Cuba or ISIS.  No.  Her logo.  Do we like it?  Why is the arrow pointing to the right? Is it ripped off from Wikileaks. 

I guess we have come a long way (said with sarcasm) from the days when the first thing we talked about was what she was wearing and what her hair looked like.  Will women ever be treated the same way as men?  I can't wait until the day comes when the Fashion Police rips apart what Jeb Bush is wearing to an event or talks about the fact that the hair dye he uses just isn't the right shade.  Or Marco Rubio didn't wear the right color shoes with that suit or his lapels were too big for this season.

Or maybe we could just stop caring about this trivial stuff in our politicians and care if they are spending our money wisely and keeping our troops safe and doing OUR bidding instead of their own on matters of policy.  Hey, do what we elected them to do.  Wouldn't that be nice?  Hey, just my opinion.  I think her logo looks just fine.  In two years no one is going to care anyway. 

Until tomorrow...

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