Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Tonight was our neighborhood watch meeting.  We had a speaker come to talk about emergency preparedness.  How to get out of a burning building?  Make sure your smoke detectors are working first!  Then if the house or building is on fire, crawl.

Make sure you are ready with your emergency preparedness box/bin/container.  Food, water, medicine, blankets, bandages, plastic bags, batteries, radio, flashlight, etc.  It is important to be prepared.  Have a plan.  A person to call outside of the area to be the point person.  Have a reunification plan with your loved ones.  A place to meet if an emergency happens and you can't get to your home. Where will you meet up?

It was an informative meeting with handouts and lots of laughter.  I think laughter is important for meetings.  Especially meetings after work and after dinner.  Keep it light and moving. 

Hopefully more neighbors will become prepared.  I don't have enough food and water for all of them!

Until tomorrow...

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